I Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Anymore

As a mother of three, we go through A LOT of milk. Maybe it’s partially because we live in the dairy state but it’s not unusual for us to go through three gallons of milk in a week. Of course I’m not complaining, milk is vital to the growth and development of children so I want to make sure they are drinking enough.

My oldest child recently turned five years old and he is in the “I want to do everything myself” stage. With the use of a kitchen chair there is no shelf or cupboard that is out of his reach. He especially loves helping out his little sisters and gets them whatever they need. When somebody is looking for something to drink my son will grab a cup from the cupboard and set it on the floor. Then he’ll grab the gallon of milk from the fridge and pour a cup for whoever wants one. Being five years old, it’s inevitable that the milk will spill from time to time and leave a big mess.

Spilled Milk

Spilled Milk

I’ve never enjoyed cleaning up spills, but I especially dislike cleaning up a milk spill. My husband would run and grab the roll of paper towel whenever the milk spilled on the floor. 10 sheets of paper towel later and he would tell you it was clean. My plan of action was to get a cleaning rag and try to soak up as much as I could before rinsing it off under the faucet, wringing it out and trying again. Either method and it seemed like we were pushing the milk around just as much as we were picking it up. On top of that, milk has a way of leaving behind a sticky residue on the floor after you think you’ve cleaned it up. The worst part is when you don’t notice it until the area has dried and you get to clean it all over again.

As would be expected, we had another spill recently. Although I have to confess, rather than being disappointed at the thought of cleaning up another mess I was actually excited to clean it up! Why would this excite me? I had recently begun using my Norwex® cloths and this was my first chance to tackle a milk spill! I took out my Enviro Cloth, got it damp and took to the floor. One pass through with the cloth and it picked up all the milk and held it within the cloth. Unbelievable! I didn’t even have to go to the sink in between to rinse the cloth and wring it out. That sticky residue? It wasn’t there. I love my Enviro Cloth!